sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

Technology and Learning - access for all?

I would like to think that technology is giving everyone the opportunity to easily access learning, but unfortunately I believe that’s not true. For instance, it seems that a big percentage of MOOC participants have already a degree ...
As observed on Louise Tickle’s article Are Moocs the best chance we have to satisfy a global thirst for education? (theguardian.com, Monday 20 January 2014 10.15 GMT): Though they may be popular to start off with, Moocs have dire completion rates, observes Brabon. For his vampire fiction course, that meant 1,000 enrolments and 31 completions. "And almost all of those had a first degree or had been educated to degree level" he says. "So the Moocs trend may not be opening up HE to sectors of the population it hasn't reached to date."

Therefore questions arise:
  • Is internet available even in remote locations?
  • Are people outside the education community aware of the availability of open learning contents?
  • Is access to learning contents available to people in remote locations or from disadvantaged groups?
  • Do people know how to take advantage of the available learning contents?
More questions can be asked, but just by answering these I think we can conclude technology is “simply providing more learning to those with access already”.
(This post was first published on https://mluisacorbal.wordpress.com)

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